William of Masterton (fl 1272-1296)
Signatory of Ragman Roll
William of Masterton, son and heir of Hugh of Masterton is referred to in a charter dated 1272. A William de Meistreton travelled from Fife to Berwick-on-Tweed to sign the Ragman Roll in 1296. It is not credible that the William who was witnessing charters between 1225 and 1236, could be the same William who signed the Ragman Roll in 1296, and so they are listed separately, with the implied assumption that Hugh was the son of the first William, and father of the second William. It's possible of course that the William who signed the Ragman Roll was a different, fourth generation, descendant of the William of 1225-1236. Some other 13th Century references to William of Masterton are reproduced at the foot of this page.
William de maystertun Dunf. Reg. no. 319 - Charter dated 1272.
Registrum de Dunfermelyn

reproduced from Registrum de Dunfermelyn, pages 215,216. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1842.
William de Maistertun Dunf. Reg. no. 86 - Charter dated 1278.
Registrum de Dunfermelyn

reproduced from Registrum de Dunfermelyn, page 52. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1842.
Regesta Regum Scottorum
Acts of Alexander III, 1249-86
115 Gives, grants and by this charter confirms to the monks of Dunfermline abbey the moiety of the land of Beath Waldeve (Fife) that was formerly held of him by John de Strachan, son and heir of the late Ralph de Strachan, Knight, which the said John resigned and quitclaimed to the king at Edinburgh on the Saturday after the feast of St Dunstan in May 1278, before William de St Clair sheriff of Edinburgh, the chamberlain John de Lindsay (and several others, named). To be held as John and his ancestors held it, with the monks nonetheless obliged to render the forinsec service owing from the land. Any charters that might in future appear to threaten the monks' title are hereby declared void and of no value. Roxburgh, 2 October a.r. 30 [1278].
Alexander Dei gratis rex Scottorum omnibus probis hominibus to tocius terre sue salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri nos dedisse concessisse et hac carte nostra confirmasse Deo et monasterio beate Margarite regine de Dunfermelyn et monachis ibidem Deo seruientibus et inperpetuum seruituris totam illam medietatem terre de Beth Waldef' que quondam fuit Johannis de Strathethyn' filii et heredis quondam Ranulph de Strathechyn' militis quam de nobis et progenitoribus nostris, idem Johannes et predecessores sui iure hereditario tenuerunt cum omnibus hominibus ligiis ad dictam terram pertinentibus et cum omnibus pertinentiis et rectitudinibus ad eandem terram pertinentibus. Quam quidem meietatem terre de Beth Waldef' idem Johannes de Strathechyn' nobis die Sabbati proxima post festum sancti Dunstani archiepiscopi in mense Maio. anno gratie mo . cco . lxxo. octauo apud Castrum Puellarum de Edenburg' in camera nostra que dicitur camera beate Margarite regine per fustum et baculum pro se et heredibus suis reddidit. resignauit. et quietam clamauit. et omni iuri et clamo \quod/ habuit uel habere potuit in perpetuum renunciauit coram Willelmo de Sancto Claro tunc vicecomiti de Edenburg'. Johanne de Lyndes' camerario nostro. Ricardo de Stratun. Willelmo Byseth. Patricio de Lemeton' clerico nostro de liberatione. magistro Johanne de Muxilburg' clerico nostro de prebenda. Willelmo de Caraumund clerico de warderoba. Willelmo clerico tunc constabulario castri de Edenburg'. Johanne de Rames'. Symone de Eskendi. Symone de Leselly'. Randino de warderoba. Alexandro de Melgedrum. Alano de Walchoup'. Willelmo de Morauia. Willelmo de Maistertun'. Thoma de Logyn'. Alano de camera et aliis fidedignis. Tenendam et habendam eisdem monachis in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam. libere. quiete. plenarie. et honorifice per easdem diusas et rectitudines per quas idem Johannes et antecessores sui eandem terram tenuerunt uel tenere dubuerunt faciendo forinsecuma quantum ad dictam terram pertinet. Et si alique carte seu ettiam aliqua instrumenta inueniantur que predictis monachis nocere poterunt uel obuiare. volumus et decernimus quod omnino iuribus careant in perpetuum cassa fuit irrita. et uacua. et de cetero nullius ualore existant. Testibus magistro Willelmo Fraser cancellario nostro. Johanne de Lindes' camerario nostro. Willelmo episcopo Sancti Andree. Roberto episcopo Glasguens'. Alexandro Cumin comite de Buchan. Patricio comite de Dunbar. Roberto comite de Carr'. Willelmo de Sulys'. Dauid de Louchor'. Willelmo Cumin de Kylbrid'. Symone Fraser. Willelmo de Sancto Claro. Patricio de Gram'. et multis aliis apud Rokesburg'. secundo die Octobris. anno regni nostri tricesimo.
NOTES. aWord seruicium missing.
RUBRIC. Carta domini regis de Beethwaldef (fourteenth century).
SOURCE. NLS, Adv. MS. 34.1.3A, Register of Dunfermline Abbey, fo. xviiir.
PRINTED. Dunfermline Registrum, no. 87.
COMMENT. A modern transcript appears in NRS, RH 2/2/5.
Regesta Regum Scottorum
Volume IV: Part 1: Acts of Alexander III
Cynthia J. Neville & Grant Simpson
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2012
pp 146-7.
William de Maistertun Dunf. Reg. no. 87 - Charter dated 1278.
Registrum de Dunfermelyn

reproduced from Registrum de Dunfermelyn, pp. 52,53. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1842.
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland
preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London
Vol II. 1272-1307
28 August 1296, Berwick-on-Tweed
Palgrave, p. 155.
818. Philip de Fyndoun of the county of Kincardine(?) and William de [Master]tone of the county of Fife, swear on the Holy Evangels, Berwick-on-Tweed. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 30; Ragman Roll, m. 26.]
Much damaged. Two seals attached by stout strings, the upper in dark brown wax; device, a bald bearded human head affronte, above it a crescent, and an object(?) protruding from either ear: 'S' PHILLIPI D'FINDUN - rarely executed. The lower seal, green wax; device, a lion rampant, a rose in front: 'S' WILL'I. DE. MAISTERTVN.'
823. May 13-Aug.28. [Roll whereon are recorded the original instruments of submission and fealty by John de Balliol King of Scotland, with the clergy, nobles, and community of Scotland, to Edward I., in the 26th year of his reign, commonly called in Scotland The Ragman Roll.]
[Begins with a statement of the reasons for which the record is drawn up at the King's command.] [m. 1.]
August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed:- Philip de Fyndone del counte de Kincardyn, and William de Meystertone del counte de Fyfe, ut supra.
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland
preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London
Vol II (1272-1307)
Joseph Bain (ed)
pp. 188, 193-201.
HM General Register House
Edinburgh, 1884
Instrumenta Publica (Ragman Roll)

reproduced from Instrumenta Publica sive Processus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Angliae Factis A.D. MCCXCI-MCCXCVI, page 135-6. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1834 [Ragman Roll].
Rotuli Scotiae
Vol I, Edward I, II, III
Temporibus Regum apud Berewyk sup Twedam v die September A.D. 1296
Consimiles littas habent subsepti vicecomitibus subscriptis videlicet.
[There follows a list of names ending with:]
Phs de Fyndon vicecomiti de Kyncardin.
Wills de Meisterton vic' de Fyf.
David de Melkedrum vic' de Fyf.
Willus de Melkedrum vic' de Aberden.
Johes de Lastalrik vic' de Edenburgh.
Rotuli Scotiae
in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensie Asservati
Vol I
Temporibus Regum Angliae Edwardi I, Edwardi II, Edwardi III
p 29a.
By Command HM King George III
The Place-Names of Fife
by Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus
MASTERTOWN [Dunfermline parish] Settlement; National Grid Ref NT121849; (accurate); OS Pathfinder Sheet 394; Elevation 70 metres; South West Facing
(William of) Maistertun c.1225 x 1231 Dunf. Reg. no. 174
usque ad diusas de Maistertun 1230 x 1240 Dunf. Reg. no. 198 [as far as the marches of Mastertown]
(William of) Maistertun 1230 x 1240 Dunf. Reg. no. 198
(William of) Maystertun 1272 Dunf. Reg. no. 319
(William de) Maistertun 1278 Dunf. Reg. no. 86
(William of) Meistreton 1296 Inst. Pub.
Dunf. Reg. Registrum de Dunfermelyn, Bannatyne Club 1842.
Inst. Pub. Instrumenta Publica sive Processus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Angliae Factis 1291-96, Bannatyne Club 1834 [Ragman Roll].