Deviant Spellings

Deviant Spellings of Masterton

As well as those noted in Black's Surnames of Scotland, there are many other deviant spellings of Masterton in the Scottish Old Parish Records and Registers. Masterton can also be misrecorded, particularly in census records, as "Masterson" (or vice-versa). The Masterson surname is a distinct surname, more prevalent in Ireland and Suffolk. There are also occasions where a family originally with the Masterson surname, has evolved into Masterton in later generations. Here are the earliest recorded dates for each of the 96 deviant spellings encountered:

Charters and other early records

Villa Magistri (1225-35) - the Latinised version of the name.
de Maisterton (1316); de Maistertun (1225-31); de Maysterton (1316); de Maystertun (1272); de Maystyrtona (1358); de Meistreton (1296);
Maisterton (1570); Maistertoun (1455); Maistertoune (1568); Maistirtone (1560); Martarstown (1488); Mastertowne (1518); Mastirsone (1499); Mastirton (1493); Mastirtone (1493); Mastirtoun (1498); Mastirtoune (1488); Mastirtowne (1494); Mestertoun (1596)

Old Parish Records (Scotland)

Maistersoun (1625); Maisterstoun (1632); Maistertonn (1616); Maistertonne (1655); Maistertown (1637); Maistertowne (1614); Maistirtoun (1581); Maistortoun (1598); Maistown (1666); Masterdan (1831); Masteron (1678); Masteroun (1707); Mastersone (1703); Mastersoun (1710); Masterston (1717); Masterstoun (1615); Mastertertone (1766); Mastertone (1619); Mastertoun (1595); Mastertounn (1651); Mastertown (1625); Mastertowns (1704); Mastirtonn (1629); Mastown (1663); Masttown (1664); Maysterton (1790); McMasterton (1772); Meastertoun (1688); Meastertoune (1689); Meistertoune (1618); Mesterstoun (1677); Mesterton (1646); Mestertone (1614); Mestertonne (1641); Mestertoune (1656); Mestertown (1660); Mestown (1665); Myesterton (1783); Mysterton (1781).

MacMasterton (1797); Maistertone (1606); Masstertone (1690); Mastarton (1778); Masterman (1847); Masterson (1728); Mastersoune (1676); Masterstone (1706); Masterstown (1838); Mastertain (1818); Mastertine (1779); Mastertoin (1779); Mastertonn (1662); Mastertoune(1632); Mastertson (1769); McStersson (1726); McStirtowne (1645); Merstertone (1621); Mesterson (1640); Mestertowne (1640); Mostertown (1662); Moustertoun (1614).

Masterten (1716); Mastertin (1672); Mastertonne (1623); Mastorton (1744); Mastrin (1854); Misterton (1694).

Scottish Wills and Testament:

Maistertonnes (1667); Musterton (1857).

Statutory Registers (Scotland)

Mastartan (1874)

Mastarten (1874)

Census (Scotland)

1841: Masterter. 1851: Materean. 1861: Mastertan; Mastirtan. 1871: Mestherson.

I believe that the only deviant spelling that has survived and therefore can be regarded as a true "variant" of Masterton as defined by the Guild of One Name Studies, is "Mastertoun", of which some examples have been found, mainly in Australia. Please let me know if there are any other surviving deviants!