LAWES for regulating the societie of husbandmen
within the shyre of Clackmannane.

1o. That everie full plough in the kerss and dryfield may pay presently four punds scotts, and ane pund ten shilling yeirlie therefter for the space of three years, and yeirlie efter the said three years as the societie shall think fitt.

2o.  That everie husband man who intends to enter into the said societie, the [that] he come into William Morisone to list himself and subscryve for his money, reserving alwayes power to the managers to determine whether they shall be lyable for full plough or half plough or under, betwixt and the twentie third day of Jarii nixt to come, Certiefieing such as shall not come in betwixt and that day that they shall not be receaved there-efter, nor have any benefite therof whatever ther necesitie may be, to the efect the money may be payed in and lent out again Candlemes if thought fitt.

3o.  It is thought fitt that no pairt of the money to be given in shall be destribute to indigent persones for the space of three years efter the second day of february nixt to come, except upon some extraordinary occasion, as the samen shall be determined by the managers.

4o.  It is thought fitt at the expyreing of the saids years the said money or any pairt therof is only to be destribute to such who have been diligent Labourers, and fallen back either by ill cropts or inlakeing of ther bestiall.  And that slothful and negligent people shall have no pairt nor share therin.

5o.  It is thought fitt that whatsoever money shall be thought fitt to be lent out to any indigent persone for the tyme that ther be all securitie taken therfor that the persone receauer therof is capable to givc, the efect tht if his condition shall happen to be bettered, that the samen may refounded and called for by the managers and thesauror at ther discretion.

6o.  It is thought fitt that whatsoever gentleman shall enter into the sd societie and subscryve and contribute as above, That he shall have libertie to condescend upon an Indigent persone who shall be supplied in the terms above prescribed, The said Indigent persone living alwayes within the parishes of Clackmanan And Aloa or either of them.

7o. It is thought fitt that albeit the designe of this societie is onlie for such honest labourers as live within the two parishes above named, yet if any of the east and west granges belonging to the Earle of Mar will enter to the said societie and subject themselves to the lawes above and efter mentioned, that they shall be admitted at the discretion of the managers.

8o.  That every persone warned personallie by the officer to any meeting heirefter to be appoynted and not compeiring shall be Lyable in the penalties followeing (viz.),  The nobleman in three punds scotts, each gentleman in fourtie shilling, and each farmer or husbandman in twentie shilling, to be disposed of as the manager[s] shall think fitt, Declaring alwayes that the samen shall be exacted without Defalcation.

9o.  That the Earl of Mar and his successors be praeses alwayes in this societie when present.

   Dorso. -- Lawes for Husbandrie, 1699.