Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland
Note 4
(to Paton's Genealogy - 1893)
Parkmill, consisting of Millarwood and Crumlabank, in the Regality and Barony of Alloa and Sheriffdom of Clackmannan, and that 'peice' (petra) of Hilton called the nether floris, in the Barony of Alloa and Sheriffdom of Clackmannan.

From A Mapp of Clakmanan Shire. [ca. 1681] by John Adair, ca. 1650-1722. Source: National Library of Scotland
These lands were originally acquired in 1547 and 1561, respectively, when, according to Francis Masterton, the compiler of the Remarques, in his Adwise and Memorandum, Alexander Masterton 'gott first ye lands of Parkmiln'. In the charter of Millarwood of 1547, the lands are described as then occupied by Alexander and he is bound to erect and uphold on them a manor place with 'hale and chalmer keching, baikhous, brewhouse, and freedom to brew and baik and sell (as free ostlair),' and all other tenants in the lands are excluded from the privilege of hostlarie. In 1678 the name of Parkmill first appears in the description of the lands as given in the title-deeds; but in a marriage contract dated in 1599, the lands are briefly referred to as the 'toune and landis of pkmylne', shewing that the name was in use before it was adopted in the titles.
The lands were sold in 1763 by Francis Masterton, with consent of his wife, Margaret Graeme, to James Erskine, Esq., Advocate, and the Right Hon. Lady Francis Erskine his wife, with a destination over to the heirs of the estate of Mar, in whose possession they remain.
The existing title-deeds show the transmission of these lands from father to son from 1547 to 1763. The title-deeds from 1547 to Francis Masterton's Sasine of 6th November 1678, are in possession of Messrs. Tods, Murray, and Jamieson, W.S., Edinburgh. The later titles are in the hands of Messrs. J. C. Brodie and Sons, Agents to the Earl of Mar and Kellie, who have most courteously allowed access to them.